Honest opinion

I am a couple of stone overweight and have been scouring the Internet for weight loss aids. I’m no good with diets and calorie counting, I have been excercising (I own a cross trainer , rowing machine and sit up equipment) but snacking has been an issue. I settled on Stripfast mainly because it was…

Lessons I’ve learned in life

Lessons I’ve learned in life: You can only truly rely on yourself. Even people with the best intentions will fail you at some point. Goals are reachable if you’re determined enough but may not be the outcome you were hoping for. At least several times in life you will be blamed for something that you…

Can’t seem to catch a break

Have you ever had one of those days when you can’t catch a break? It’s more like months for me. The year started with promise and rapidly declined from there. One challenge after another and certainly no indication of improvement. They say bad luck comes in three’s but I’ve already reached double figures, but hey,…


When you withdraw into yourself it’s like living in a bubble. You can see and hear all that is going on around you, yet you’re not part of it at all. Friends, family reach out to you but it’s difficult to respond. Your self-defense shields have shuttered upon you and solitude is all that is…


I had to share the latest Amazon review for Twisted Bloodlines 🙂 Customer Review Oh If you enjoy this first book I know you will become easily …, April 7, 2016 By Amber This review is from: Twisted Bloodlines (Twisted Bloodlines Series Book 1) (Kindle Edition) Oh If you enjoy this first book I know…

A break from the norm

As a reader, I’m always on the look out for something new, fresh and unique. Something that I can come to grips with. A story that is emotional yet action packed, with a plot that is filled with twists to keep me guessing. I want cliffhangers, love triangles, hot guys and gals who are both…