Hot water

  I would really like to know why i can withstand extremely hot water. I leave my baths looking like a lobster but cannot bear to sit in a warm one. Even my dish water is not far short of boiling leaving everyone else yelping when they attempt to wash up after themselves! I get…

Possessive male!

Those of us who enjoy reading the likes of black dagger brotherhood and the dark hunters know that the guys are extremely possessive over their females. Now i know some of you would love to have one of these guys but would you really? I have a very possessive husband and it’s not that great!…

Cursed by water!!

  I seem to be cursed by water! When i lived in my first flat i had the roof leak for a week, i filled up a baby bath and several saucepans daily until it got fixed! I moved again only to have my kitchen sink overflow flooding out the people below because the stack…


  so with Halloween approaching and scary stories circulating i thought i would share my own little creepiness with you. When i came to view my house three years ago i was told that two men had actually hung themselves from the staircase, all the kids called it the haunted house. Since i’ve lived here…

Why i’ll never be taking my kids to disneyland

  Most kids would love to go to disneyland but my youngest girls are terrified! When they see adults dressed up as cartoon characters they freak out! when i went to hastings there was a life size spongebob and barney, and they actually ran into the road screaming! Once there was a dress up day…

why is yawning contagious?

  I’ve always wondered why yawning is contagious but i never would have guessed this: New research suggests rather than being a precursor to sleep, the purpose of yawning is to cool the brain so it operates more efficiently and keeps you awake. The brain cooling theory says that when we contagiously yawn we are…

Let’s make things a bit clearer!

Okay so a few people have said that when they read my book it wasn’t what they expected and was pleasantly surprised! so without giving too much away here’s what they are about: in the first one a father’s obsession megan is being chased down by her father who is lets say the villain of…

What book character would you like to be and why?

  i would have to say nancy drew, i used to love reading these books as a child and would love all that investigating stuff! I don’t read many mystery novels anymore but i used to love agatha christie books as well. I wouldn’t mind investigating haunted houses either! Although i’m quite into the paranormal…

Autism my personal experience

Im seeing more and more information on autism these days and would like to share my personal experience about my son who is borderline autistic. He was always a well behaved and quiet baby even though he had some very strange experiences as a baby like ITP which i mentioned in a previous post and…