Baby food revamped

I admit, I’m a little out of practice with the weaning stage. The last time I had to do it, was seven years ago, and my, how it’s changed. They have the oddest, and quite frankly, nasty sounding food I’ve ever heard of. Here is one example, and I can tell you, it doesn’t look…


Most of you who follow me will know, that I tend to gripe on the national health system. But when it takes three medical professionals to diagnose a condition, then that kind of proves my point 🙂 My six-month old came out in a small rash across her forehead. I wasn’t really too concerned, I…


Why do we love to write lists so much? We have shopping lists, well, I can understand the purpose of that one. If you shop for as many, as I do, then it can be quite a lot to remember. Having said that, I always write one, but for some reason, never seem to take…

Police, stop, and search

In my country, it is not uncommon to see someone being stopped, and searched by the police. This usually applies, to youngsters who appear to be up to no good, hanging around the streets. Obviously, if the police are correct in their suspicions, and the person in question, was, intending on selling drugs etc to…

The blurb

So now you’ve seen the cover, here is the blurb to Curses and Deception, book three in the series 🙂    After the dramatic rescue of Megan, Trey wakes up to find himself held prisoner, trapped in a dreary dungeon with the beast inside of him bound. Being away from the chaos of his everyday…

Cover reveal

Here is the cover to book three in the Twisted Bloodlines series. It’s due out in a couple of months, so if you haven’t read the first two, then what are you waiting for? 🙂 Once again, my publisher Miranda Stork, over at Moon Rose Publishing, has done me proud with yet another fantastic cover 🙂

Online holiday bookings

I recently booked a holiday to Spain, with I’d never booked a holiday online before, and was a little dubious about the whole thing. Firstly, you have to take it on good faith, that it isn’t a scam, and that you’re about to lose your bank balance. Secondly, with this particular company, they state…

Some handy advice for reflux babies

Here’s a little help, for those of you who have babies suffering from acid reflux, or reflux. Some of you may, already be aware of Aptamil Anti-Reflux formula, and may be thinking ‘DUH’ it’s been around forever, but if like me, it’s been a while (7 years in my case) since you had a formula…


We all have a fear of something. Mine, happens to be the sea. It’s not because, I can’t swim, I am in fact a very good swimmer, I even used to be top of the class in my school. The fear occurred when I went on holiday, with my parents to Spain. I was swimming in…

Car insurance rip off

I feel, I must point out the worst car insurance company, I have ever come across. It’s not just me, that has had problems with this company. It has even been featured on the television, on a programme about comparison sites, and what insurance companies don’t reveal. When I got my first car, I used…